Torbay Easter Hockey Festival
Countdown to #TEHF25
Festival Supporters
We are pleased to announce that from our 2018 Torbay Easter Hockey Festival we will introducing supporters for the event. We will be offering the following packages for the following prices:
1. Quarter page (black and white) advert in our programme as well as being featured on our website and social medias - £50
2. Half page (black and white) advert in our programme as well as being featured on our website and social medias - £100
3. Full page (colour) advert on either the inside cover, back inside cover or back page in our programme as well as being featured on our website and social medias - £250
This is a great opportunity for businesses as this is a family friendly event, gathering interest from many hockey families and members beyond. We print enough programmes for each player (150+) including non-playing members turning up to the festival.
If you are interested in supporting TEHF please get in contact with Jeevan Chagger via the "Contact Us" page.